Star Wars Force Unleashed – Wii version out Sep 17th!

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is one of the most ambitious projects LucasArts has ever launched. The combination of a great new Star Wars story with revolutionary new technology and game play means more fun than you’ve ever had in the Star Wars universe,” said Peter Hirschmann, Vice-President of Product Development, LucasArts. “We can’t wait until gamers get their hands on it this September.”


Star Wars the Complete Sage Wii the Force Be With You!

starwarswii1.jpg No this is not the ultimate Star Wars game.

But yes it sure is a whole lot of fun.

In one package you get all six movies worth of Star Wars Lego fun playable on your Wii.

Neither the Wiimote or the Nunchuk really do a whole lot though. Sure you can use the Wiimote to kinda/sorta pretend it’s a lightsaber but the action/control isn’t fluid and it’s a lot easier and more productive to just use the A button.

Still it is a fun game and once you get over the fact that it doesn’t make good use of the Wiimote you can actually enjoy it!

Retail pricing is $50 with eBay ranging from about $30 to $45.